
Beers for ‘Ard Times

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5DXHgR6s9sf6x3R8QB5C1s To my shame I’ve realised that I’ve never reviewed any Ards Brewing pale ales on this blog. Sure, I’ve cast my thoughts on the Greyabbey brewery’s stouts but the pales seem to have been overlooked. Not today my friend as we’re pale heavy. Most of the beers in Ards’ portfolio are pales so if…… Continue reading Beers for ‘Ard Times


Hush and Resist

https://open.spotify.com/episode/60AjbF6sqLPpGBN65oEG4C A first for the blog today as I believe this post could be the inaugural “single beer” review. I haven’t been bothered to look past a couple of years’ blog posts and I certainly can’t remember any other beer holding such a privileged position. The Drinkers for Ukraine project created a Solidarity Brew recipe…… Continue reading Hush and Resist